The long, curly, beautiful green thingys you got in your Bounty Box are called garlic scapes. Being that there’s such a (immune boosting!!) garlic shortage right now, we’re getting creative. And honestly, shouldn’t we do this anyway? We want to use all the wonderful bounty the Earth gives us, don’t we? #ZeroWaste The Refarmery, which is one of the local …
Goodful Super Immune Chopped Veggie Salad
serves 2 people, 20min prep time Ingredients1 beet, peeled & chopped into 1/4” cubes2 carrots, peeled (optional) cut in half lengthwise, sliced1/2 cucumber, peeled (optional) & sliced4-5 leaves of lettuce, ripped or chopped Dressing Ingredients4 tbs extra virgin olive oiljuice from 1/2 meyer lemon5 stems of thyme, leaves removed from stem1/2 tsp cardamom1/4 tsp corianderDash of white (wine) vinegar Instructions …