by Kayla Castleman, 2min read In recent years, the terms organic, non-GMO, and sustainable have been used to inform consumers of the farming practices used to produce their products. But these are not just trendy buzz words. Seeing these words on labels are important deciding factors when choosing products, and rightfully so. If given the choice when shopping for what …
Meet Kayla!
Meet Kayla, our newest Food & Nutrition Blogger
My Favorite Super Green-Herb Salad
Serves 2, prep time 10min Ingredients2 large handfuls organic herb salad mix¼ yellow candy onion, sliced thinly (use a mandolin or slice as thinly as possible)1 lavender flower plus couple of its leaves2″ thyme leaves, removed from stem best you can4 tarragon leaves3 rosemary leaves(see note below about society garlic)Sea salt (Big Sur Salts’ Pino Bianco is perfect on this!) …